Do you have a blog, a website, a newspaper that deals with STEM or feminism? A company, a co-working, school, association, organization or foundation? If you do, raise your hand and fill out the form!

What are the tasks of the media partners? 

  • Publicize the initiative on the various social networks, newspapers, blogs, radio or TV;
  • Create articles, videos, materials or images regarding the movement and/or its petals;
  • Contact journalistic publications, blogs, radio or TV that can divulge the initiative.



Become a Media partner

Fill out the form “Media Partner” to contribute to the publicizing of “the week of Rosadigitale”.

Name (richiesto)

Email (richiesto)

Why do you want to support Rosadigitale week? (required)


Url (richiesto)

Presentation (richiesto)

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